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Baby Eating Cake

Infant Feeding Resources

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Online Courses

Woven Lactation Course

Web Resources

Oklahoma Breastfeeding Resource Center

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Lactation Education Resources 

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Black Mothers Breastfeeding Association BMBFA

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Infant Risk Center

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Centers for Disease Control & Prevention CDC

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Kelly Mom

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National Library of Medicine

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The Birth Hour

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La Leche League USA

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Oklahoma State Department of Health OSDH

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La Leche League 

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La Leche League International

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La Leche League International Espanol

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Coalition of Oklahoma Breastfeeding Advocates COBA

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WIC Breastfeeding Support

US Department of Agriculture â€‹

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La Leche League International

A to Z

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Image by hui sang

Empowering People & Building Community!

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